Genius Training Superconscious Supercharge
A 3 month personalised kickstart to bringing your heart to the world
You desire results that light you up and you are committed to creating a life aligned with your heart... YAY!
So what next?
Fortunately, we have been where you are, so we know what works (and we also know what doesn't).
Our unequivocal advice is to stay connected to a wholehearted community while being personally supported by an experienced, highly trained, intuitive genius and coach.
This program is a transformative and cost-effective way to experience working closely one-to-one with a highly qualified guide. Masterful coaches use masterful structures, delivering empowering sessions that go beyond the normal realms of 'coaching',
Our amazing coaches are dedicated to living in mastery and their vast experience and integrity translates directly to you in your personalised sessions, serving you to fully express your heart and bring your unique gifts and talents to the world.
We know and understand the value of experiencing the discomfort required to level up and wholly commit to creating real change in your life. At House of Genius we offer an empowering, personalized program with everything you need to launch your greatest desires and ambitions. We won't waste your valuable time with the veneer of doing things that give non-specific guidance which creates codependency, ultimately preventing you from diving into your most empowered greatness. Our particular style of intuitive guidance liberates you by assuming that you are powerful and supporting you to be guided from within.
You have a big heart with big aspirations! Why would you take small steps?
If you are committed to creating your vision, we will support you to shine, personally. Let's do this!