About Kel
Kel Townsend
Founder and Creative Development Facilitator
I was always in awe of people that were driven by a sense of purpose in life and seemed to live with a singular focus and passion, absorbing autobiographies about people who seemed to lead extraordinary lives. Unknowingly, I was undertaking a study into how people succeed in creating their dreams in spite of their perceived failings and their general human nature.
I turned my love of people watching inward when I was introduced to the art and benefits of meditation as a teenager. Discovering there were powerful and unknown parts of me, a lifelong quest for the truth about the human condition bloomed.
As with most people, my life had some chaotic times and I began to suffer quite considerably under the weight of dysfunctional relationships, poor decisions and ignoring my 'gut' feelings. As an adult, I became the sole parent to a beautiful boy and life felt hard. My life was far from what I had envisioned it would be and I was constantly at the mercy of my circumstances, feeling lost and desperate. My heart was shriveling as I battled with bouts of anxiety, PTSD and a sorrow that ran so deep I could not see the bottom and it terrified me to look. Meanwhile, I appeared to be a relatively normal functioning human being, but I was exhausted, plodding through the motions and feeling utterly powerless.
I couldn't shake the undeniable feeling that something was missing. I felt that my life had a greater purpose, but I had no idea what that was. I wanted my son to lead an extraordinary life and I knew the best example for him was to see me creating it for myself. But how? It all seemed so far out of reach for me.
I had almost resigned myself to a life of searching, when I discovered the one thing that I had read so much about in so many of those autobiographies... how to follow my own intuitive guidance. I also uncovered the real reasons that I felt stuck in life (tip: it's not what you think it is). All the things that I thought were 'wrong' and 'broken' about me became the gateway to my own freedom. I no longer had to be afraid of my perceived faults and humanness, and finally learned to accept and love myself in wholeness.
Since then, my life has been full to overflowing with magic and purpose.
The covers were thrown back on my innate inner guidance that I had denied and buried my entire life. I discovered that living a life in my true nature and purpose was not only possible, it is so much easier than the pain of denying it. It filled my heart and made my soul sing. I delved headlong into the study of mastering my own life and I discovered that each of us are born with the unbreakable ability to live an empowered existence from a place of love. This is true freedom.
I am absolutely honored to share this knowledge and I am dedicated to empowering others to connect to their truth and live life aligned with their hearts.
House of Genius Pty Ltd was founded from love, for love.
I invite you to invest in yourself and take a step into your true limitless nature.
Love and magic xx
Introduction to 1:1 guidance
Work with me 1:1 for 3 months, nail your choices and join our community for regular practice.
Commit to living in mastery
Step into your true potential working intimately with me for an entire year.
Attend my
Genius Training
Learn how to let go of the perceptions that cause you pain and stress. Wake up to a kinder reality.
Meet with
Kel Townsend
If you would like to work with me, book in a short meeting to discuss your requirements and how I can best serve you.
William Whitecloud and Kel Townsend on Soul Safari in Sth Africa Aug 2023
Join me for a unique, life-changing, experiential journey in accessing your Creative Genius and living your heart's true calling.
Kel Townsend is an active and proud member of the Natural Success community working closely with William Whitecloud and his team of creative geniuses on a mission to deliver Creative Development Training across the globe! Kel has been heading up the Australian and New Zealand cohort of Natural Success since 2023 facilitating this empowering Creative Development modality.
This curriculum is the most powerful and transformative work in the world today. Kel looks forward to supporting you through The Natural Success Curriculum in the future!
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